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Having Fun with Poems




A lot of adventures I’ve had in a book.

And I’ve learned a few words. Here, take a look:


When you drink lots of soda, you’ll soon eructate

A proboscis on villains is a very just fate.

If a person calls me zaftig, I wink and I smile

For our pulchritude gives us our very own style.


Oxymoron, rambunctious, vermillion are three

Do look up these words—quite useful you’ll see!

And when you’ve poured them into your brain,

You’ll find that they will all entertain!


Now that words have opened the cage door,

I’m a word-a-saurus, ever hungry for more!





My Great Green Nose Dragon 


Excuse me please, if I should sneeze

and a surprise shoots out my nose.


It wasn’t my plan, you understand,

to paint you all in green.


It’s just, you see, that my body and me

Don’t always seem to agree.


Though I fight with all my might,

My nose will win the bout.


If it should win, my eyeballs spin

A green dragon flies out its cave.


It spreads its wings past a thousand things

And lands upon your shirt.


Now I know you’ll say, “Don’t let it stray!

It’s really, really gross.”


But someday you’ll find yours leaves you behind

And flies out of its cave.


And when it soars to the great outdoors,

I hope you will recall:


When our roles were reversed, it seemed like the worst,

But I BLESS YOU‘d anyway.






          The Spider and the Fly     


A spider strolling down the street

met a girl with a smile so sweet.

He tipped his hat and said, “good day!

Has a well-fed fly come this way?”


She frowned and hemmed and hawed a bit

“That depends on what you’ll do to it.

You see, I know you dine on flies,

So telling you might not be wise.”


“No no, my dear, that’s not my plan.

I’ve his invite to dinner right here at hand.

You seem to think I’ve a thing ‘gainst flies

But indeed it saddens me each time one dies.”


“Well, it seems your motives are quite pure

So … he went that way in search of a cure.

It seems his tummy felt quite sick

From flying around so all-fired quick.”


“Ah ha!” said the spider with a massive grin.

“I’ve just the fix, and it ain’t aspirin.

I’ll invite him back to my web with me

Where he can hang out rent-free!


And when it’s time for dinner, you see,

He’ll be both guest and recipe!”






         Don’t Eat My Book with Gravy!   


To my sister any book is a waste of a tree.

We should feed all that paper to chimps with gravy.

But to me every book is my very best friend.

Oh, the places! And the hours in those pages I’ll spend!


It was last week I flew in an alien ship,

And I fought evil robots with a ray gun and whip.

A Paloopan from Mars kindly cooked me a meal

Made of moon dust and protons and a hint of orange peel.


Then I caught a gold pony all skittish and shy.

When we finally made friends you shoulda seen us fly!

I then saved a whale who was hurt in the sea.

I was proud when I finally set him free.


At the start, a big bully would hit or tease me,

But by page two eleven we were quite friendly.


All these adventures I’ve had in a book.

If you try it, you’ll find you’ve a new outlook.

But think like my sister who never reads,

Then your brain doesn’t grow ’cause it’s choked by the weeds.




Now you try it!  You want to say any words that have three beats total! For example …

1         2       3

For the gift

1      2      3

In the tree

1       2        3

On the floor

1       2      3       4

With a pumpkin           [OOPS! Nope, doesn’t work!   That’s four beats. Pumpkin has two beats                                        but we only want one beat to finish.]


How about …

1        2      3

With a pear


Level 1 Try to finish these phrases.[Hint: pick a word with only one beat.]

To the ____

In the ____

From a ____

What a ____ !

He’s my ____

She’s the ____


Level 2

In ____   ____

At____   ____

For____  ____



Level 3

Make up your own three beat pattern!






   Truths about Animals


The elephant has a trunk in front

and a much thinner one behind.

You can call that one a tail if you like—

My elephant and I don’t mind.



A rhino is a dainty thing

If you sit upon its knee

It serves you tiny sandwiches

And reads you poetry.



The boa is a friendly snake

To man or beast or bug

And if you ever visit her

You’ll get a great big hug.



The crocodile has lots of teeth

They’re helpful when he chews.

But when he has to brush them all

He always gets the blues.





Now you try!


I wonder why a bird can sing

Or how a bird can fly.




  1. The crocodile has lots of teeth

They flash whenever he smiles




  1. A bird can walk or sit or swim

But mostly it can fly




  1. A spider has a lot of legs

Eight shoes it has to buy!




  1. The eagle____________________________

